Want Better Sales Method? Mine Your Own

mine your own diamonds

In 1869, Russell Conwell, an American Baptist minister, was traveling in the Middle East, and his Arab guide shared a story:  A man wanted to become rich so badly that he sold all his property and traveled the world in search of diamonds, only to find none. Alas, the new owner of the land discovered […]

The Most Important Factor in Offering Advice

What is the most important factor in offering advice? In this article from our sister company, the AdvisoryEDGE Forum, we share the most important factor in offering advice. Hint: It’s not whether you are correct or not! If you’re finding too many failed proposals and languishing quotes in your system, you may be looking at […]

Is Your Onboarding On Straight?

Onboarding new sellers is an underrated factor in sales success. In fact, your speed in onboarding is one of the TOP ways you can impact your number this year (assuming you will hire a salesperson this year). What is Onboarding? We tend to think of onboarding in the traditional sense – making sure sellers are […]

Avoid the Echo Chamber

avoid echo chamber

The last presidential election in the United States brought created an awareness of “echo chambers.”  What is the sales version of the echo chamber? Where is the echo chamber most harmful to sales leaders?   And most importantly,what can you do about it? How can you avoid the echo chamber? An echo chamber is essentially a […]

Sales Culture Happens One Bit at a Time


I recently traveled to a client’s 2019 sales meeting to conduct a workshop with sales leadership. I love sales meetings because they’re wonderful opportunities to build sales culture. At the conference registration desk, the client thoughtfully provided me with a “swag bag” they were handing out to all meeting attendees. Nestled in the bottom of the […]

The Best Managers are Unequal but Fair

Blog for Specialized Sales Systems

In my second job after college, I worked as a salesperson for a small professional services company.  One day, our best salesperson (not me, unfortunately) told us he was leaving. I didn’t understand it – Brad was killing it, and under our commission-heavy comp plan, he was making stratospheric money. When I asked him why, […]

Coach Like You Want Them To Sell

Coaches, here’s the number one reason it pays to employ a consultative coaching method:  Coaching is modeling.  What do I mean by this? Coaching = Modeling When you Engage reps and start with their needs, you’re modeling the consultative sequence you want reps to follow – start with the Real Needs, not your assumptions. When […]

You Need Flipped Sales Training – Here’s How to Do It

The flipped classroom is a hot topic in education today, to the point you would think it’s a new phenomenon.  While credit for the origin of today’s flipped classroom goes back to a couple of high school teachers in 2007, technology has been transforming and upending the learning process since the invention of writing – […]

Smarter Sales Training Starts with Smarter Learning Objectives

Once upon a time, a private company in the aviation industry approached us because the VP of sales wanted “closing skills training.”  His evidence:  CRM data showing abnormally long sales cycles for their industry, plus personal experience in the field with sales reps following up but not closing. We came into the situation after the […]