Expert Diagnosticians

Experienced Practitioners

You believe in process, and you believe in developing your people – that’s why you coach. You also know when it’s time for an infusion of new thoughts and strategies. That’s why you’ve put people through programs like SPIN or Challenger.
No sales training on the market truly “fits” your sale. Your team uses maybe 10% of the training you brought in last time. Paying per-person license fees seems like a waste of money – and time.
For B2B sales forces that need to replicate top performers’ best practices, Boatman Learning gives you a smarter approach to sales training. Unlike traditional sales training, we give you bespoke content and proven process, not licensing fees – it’s sales training based on your sale that your people will actually use.
Build Your Own Proprietary Program
Roll Out and Reinforce on Your Schedule
Teach Sales Managers to Drive Results