It’s Time to Transform Sales Training

sales training

The sales training industry is way overdue for transformation.  How we know?  First, we’re veterans of the sales training industry, and we’ve both spent time on the inside of multiple sales training vendors. And we’ve found the vast majority of client engagements last two years or less. Second, most companies who invest in sales development […]

Getting More From Sales Training: Three Strategies and A Bobsled Analogy

Companies spend a massive amount of time, energy, and money on sales training, only to find the vast majority of the effort wasted.  If you’ve ever been to sales training where the manager or facilitator exhorts sellers to take “one good idea” from an entire day (or two) of training, you know the story. Why […]

What is Specialized Sales Development?

specialized sales development

How’s this for a Mission Statement?  Specialized Sales Systems exists to help companies build their own specialized sales systems that drive revenue growth. Breakthroughs in technology and process make this process better and cheaper than traditional sales training. It sounds clear to us, but as Matt McDarby and I began sharing our message with the […]

BYO Sales Training: Hockey Edition

BYO Sales Training

What do BYO sales training and hockey have in common?  This video highlights a couple of key areas where the lessons of the hockey rink apply to sales training development. In particular, pay attention to these elements: Are you giving your sellers enough time on the “practice ice”?  BYO Sales training relies on a controlled […]